
Employment after retirement

Looking to work after retirement? Understand some basic rules you need to know so you don’t put your CalPERS service, disability or retirement benefits at risk.

A new vision of retirement

The vision of retirement in America is changing. Most people who are approaching retirement envision it as a period that will include leisurely pursuits, new experiences and time spent with loved ones. But according to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the majority also expect retirement to include some form of work. Often, the reasons given for why someone might want to work in retirement include some combination of financial concerns, a desire to stay mentally and physically active and remaining productive and useful.

Whatever your vision of retirement, the transition between working and retiring can be a confusing time. If you're thinking about working after retirement, you should consider it part of your financial planning. In fact, a job during your retirement can have a positive effect if you properly plan for it.

Your retirement benefits are provided through the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS). The District contracts with CalPERS and contributes on behalf of all employees. The District has prepared this booklet to help those of you considering some form of employment in full or partial retirement.

Read more about employment after retirement 

Partial Service Retirement

For business reasons, the District offers Partial Service Retirement to retain seasoned, regular, full-time employees who are eligible for retirement. The advantages to you include reduced work hours and the opportunity to continue earning a paycheck, while also drawing a partial retirement benefit (referred to as "retirement allowance").

Read more about employment after partial retirement 

Pension formula information

Looking to see what your pension benefits will look like? Use this helpful information to determine your pension benefit factor based on exact age and years of service under the 2% at 55 or 2% at 62 retirement formulas.

Not sure which retirement formula applies to you? Log in to the CalPERS website to confirm your formula.

Local Miscellaneous Members 2% at 55 formula

Miscellaneous & Industrial Members 2% at 62 formula