Deferred compensation

Learn more about SMUD's 401(k) and 457(b) deferred compensation plans, including loan policy documents and SMUD’s investment policy.

For more information regarding your deferred compensation plan, contact Stan Ichiho via email at or call 1-916-732-6059.

Deferred compensation meeting minutes

The General Manager, by delegation from the District’s Board of Directors, is responsible for the administration of each plan under the Program. The General Manager has delegated to the committee oversight authority to develop, monitor and maintain the Program to ensure that:

  • the 401(k) and 457(b) Plans operate in accordance with Internal Revenue Code and other regulatory requirements, and for the exclusive benefit of plan participants and beneficiaries.
  • both plans offer a diversified range of investment options with historically competitive rates of return and fee structures or other appropriate performance measures.
  • information concerning both plans is communicated to all participants and made available to potential participants.
  • complete and accurate disclosure information is made available to current and potential participants.
  • accurate and timely account statements are provided to all participants.

Committee membership

The membership of the Committee includes the following:

  • Treasurer (Chairperson)
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Controller
  • Manager, Human Resource Services
  • Legal Counsel

Meeting minutes